Edit filter configuration

Differences between versions

ItemVersion from 02:40, 23 January 2021 by MusikAnimalVersion from 01:10, 29 October 2022 by Suffusion of Yellow
Basic information
Log links with parameters that are used to track the source of clicks, likely used by SEO people. Log-only to gauge the scale of the issue. --ST47 2020-02-14
Log links with parameters that are used to track the source of clicks, likely used by SEO people. Log-only to gauge the scale of the issue. --ST47 2020-02-14

This filter is showing up on the Slow Filter Dashboard on Logstash. added_links is expensive. To reduce unnecessary calls to added_links, we can first check if http or https is in added_lines. ~MA 2021-01-22
This filter is showing up on the Slow Filter Dashboard on Logstash. added_links is expensive. To reduce unnecessary calls to added_links, we can first check if http or https is in added_lines. ~MA 2021-01-22
Optimize: Don't generate added_links every time someone edits a line containing a link. --Suffusion of Yellow 01:09 29 Oct 2022
Filter conditions
/* added_links is expensive; first check added_lines for protocol to reduce unneeded calls to added_links */
/* added_links is expensive; first check added_lines for protocol to reduce unneeded calls to added_links */
contains_any(added_lines, "http://", "https://") &
contains_any(added_links, 'utm_source=', 'utm_medium=', 'utm_campaign=',
tracking := "(?:utm_source|utm_medium|utm_campaign|utm_term|utm_content|gclid|gclsrc|dclid|fbclid|zanpid)=";
            'utm_term=', 'utm_content=', 'gclid=', 'gclsrc=', 'dclid=',
added_lines irlike tracking &
            'fbclid=', 'zanpid=')
added_links irlike tracking